Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Westcote, T. . 1845 . View of Devonshire in MDCXXX . Exeter
Westmonasterienses, L. . 1730 . Lusus Westmonasterienses, sive Epigrammatum et poematum minorum delectus . Westminster
Weston, E. . 1602 . De triplici hominis officio . Antwerp
Wharton, H. . 1691 . Anglia sacra . London
Wharton, H. . 1691 . Anglia sacra . London
Wharton, H. . 1691 . Anglia sacra . London
Whately, R. . 1844 . Elements of logic . London
Whately, R. . 1841 . Elements of rhetoric . London
Whately, T. . 1793 . Observations on modern gardening . London
Whately, R. . 1854 . Remains of the late Edward Copleston . London
Wheare, D. . 1637 . Relectiones hyemales . Oxford
Wheeler, J. . 1601 . Treatise of commerce . London
Wheeler, J. . 1601 . Treatise of commerce . London
Whewell, W. . 1838 . Doctrine of limits with its applications . Cambridge
Whewell, W. . 1833 . Elementary treatise on mechanics . Cambridge
Whewell, W. . 1847 . History of the inductive sciences . London
Whewell, W. . 1857 . History of the inductive sciences . London
Whincop, T. . 1747 . Scanderbeg . London
Whiskin, B. . 1789 . Royal recovery, a poem . Dublin
Whiston, W. . 1706 . Essay on the Revelation of Saint John . Cambridge
Whiston, W. . 1696 . New theory of the Earth . London
Whitaker, T.D. . 1812 . History and antiquities of the deanery of Craven . London
Whitbourne, R. . 1620 . A discourse and discovery of New-Found-Land . London
Whitbourne, R. . 1620 . Discourse and discovery of New-found-land . London
White, T. . 1654 . Apology for Rushworth's dialogues . Paris
White, T. . 1637 . Catechisme of Christian doctrine . Paris
White, T. . 1637 . Catechisme of Christian doctrine . Paris
White, T. . 1654 . Contemplation of heaven . Paris
White, T. . 1654 . Contemplation of heaven . Paris
White, T. . 1642 . De mundo dialogi tres . Paris
White, T. . 1657 . Euclides physicus . London
White, T. . 1657 . Euclides physicus . London
White, T. . 1655 . Grounds of obedience and government . London
White, T. . 1655 . Grounds of obedience and government . London
White, R. . 1602 . Historiarum Britanniæ insulæ . Douai
White, G. . 1833 . Natural history and antiquities of Selborne . London
