Currer, Danson Richardson Roundell (1784 -1873)
The Reverend Danson Richardson Roundell, of Gledstone, was the third, but second surviving, son of the Reverend William Roundell and Mary, youngest daughter of the Rev. Henry Richardson, Rector of Thornton. He was educated at Christ Church, Oxford, where he matriculated 21 October 1802, took his B.A. in 1806, and his M.A. in 1809. He assumed the name and arms of Currer in 1806 on succeeding, on the death of his elder brother, to the property of his maternal grand uncle, John Currer of Kildwich Hall, Yorkshire, but resumed his patronymic by Royal Licence 21 October 1851. A Justice of the Peace and a Deputy Lieutenant for the West Riding, he married, 28 November 1815, Hannah, eldest daughter of Sir William Foulis, 7th Baronet, of Ingleby Manor, Yorkshire.