Freeman, Ralph, Sir (1610 -1663)

Sir Ralph Freeman was the son of Martin Freeman of Betchworth in Surrey. He married Catherine, daughter and heir of William Bret, of Wrotherbe in Leicestershire, who is said to have been a relative of the Duke of Buckingham. Through the influence of the latter, Sir Ralph was made Master of Requests, Auditor of the Imprests, and Master Worker of the Mint. He was knighted at Hyde Park on the King's entering London after his return from Scotland 15 September 1617. He published verse translations from Seneca in 1635 and 1636 and Imperiale, a tragedie in 1639.

Stamp(s) Stamp Information
Freeman, Ralph, Sir (1610-1663)  (Stamp 1) Title: Freeman, Ralph, Sir (1610 - 1663) (Stamp 1)
Dimensions (height x width): 31mm x 28mm
Monogram: R F
Device: A monogram of two Rs and an F so arranged that the spaces left by the Rs form three lozenges two and one which make up the Freeman arms