Harbord, Caroline, Lady (1767 -1850)

Lady Caroline Hobart, second daughter of John Hobart, 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire, married, 4 June 1792, William Assheton Harbord. He succeeded his father Harbord Harbord, as 2nd Baron Suffield 4 February 1810 and died without children 1 August 1821 and was succeeded by his brother Edward. Lady Hobart died 27 October 1850

Seat / Residence(s): Gunton Hall
Stamp(s) Stamp Information
Harbord, Caroline, Lady Suffield (1767-1850)  (Stamp 1) Title: Harbord, Caroline, Lady (1767 - 1850) (Stamp 1)
Dimensions (height x width): 20mm x 27mm
Monogram: C H