Montagu, James, Bishop of Winchester (1568 -1618)
James Montagu, born 1568, was the fifth son of Sir Edward Montagu of Boughton, in Northamptonshire, and Elizabeth, daughter of Sir James Harington of Exeter. He was admitted to Christ's College, Cambridge as a Fellow Commoner, appointed the first Master of Sidney Sussex College 1596-1609. He was awarded a D.D. by special grace 1598, and became Dean of Litchfield 1603, of Worcester 1604, and Dean of the Chapel to James I. He was consecrated Bishop of Bath and Wells in 1608, and translated to Winchester in 1616. As Master of Sidney Sussex he beautified the College Chapel, and as Bishop of Bath and Wells he repaired Bath Abbey, and is reputed to have spent over £1,000 on it. He edited the Works of James I published in English in 1616, and in Latin translation in 1619. He died 20 July 1618.