Unidentified Stamp

Unidentified Stamp
Crest: A griffin's head with a wreath wings elevated
Dimensions (height x width): 15mm x 16mm
Heraldic Charges: griffin's head and wingswreath
Fairbairn’s Crests (plate 65/11): Bastable; Beauvoir; Buckley; Coleridge; Cookman; Corie [Cory] Cowbrugh; Crawford; De Montacute; Gardiner; Garnier; Gidley; Glastenbury; Gorham; Goslike; Gostwick; Gott; Harokins; Hayes; Henvill; Hobson; I’Anson; Inkersall; Know; Lampson; Letham; McCall; Mansham; Marsham; Masham; Monthermer; Parnall; Peckwell; Price; Selenger; Shirt; Short; Slocombe; Wigott; Wolmer.
