Extracts from the journals kept by George Howard, Earl of Carlisle [ed. Lady Caroline Lascelles]

TitleExtracts from the journals kept by George Howard, Earl of Carlisle [ed. Lady Caroline Lascelles]
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1871
Authors6th Earl of Carlisle Carlisle, GH
LibraryCastle Howard Yorkshire
BindingBound in red goatskin with black leather onlays by Birdsall & Son, Northampton, with stamp 1 at each corner, stamps 2 & 3 semé on both covers
BinderBirdsall & Son (Northampton)
SignatureInscription on the front flyleaf: “Honb.le Charles Howard from his aff.te sister C.L. January 1871”. [Charles Wentworth George Howard (1814-1879); Lady Caroline Georgiana Lascelles (d. 1881)]
Howard, William George, 8th Earl of Carlisle (1808 - 1889) (Stamp 3)
Badge A cross crosslet fitchy
Heraldic Charges: