In Sacras Scriptoras commentaria

TitleIn Sacras Scriptoras commentaria
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1668
LibraryLincoln Cathedral
BindingBound in calf with the stamp in gold at the head of the spine
BookplateBook label of The Reverend Jonathan Boucher A.M. [Franks 3158] [Jonathan Boucher (1738 1804)] ; Book label of Louth Clerical Lending Library
SignatureInscription on the titlepage: “Ex dono Caroli Goddard Presbendarii de Louth in Eccl.. Lincoln et Archideaconis Lincoln 1821”
Call NumberHH.1.2-3
Unidentified Stamp
Crest Out of a ducal coronet a peacock holding in its beak an ear of wheat and a horseshoe
Possibilities for Identification: 
The stamp would appear to be a peafowl, though without its tail feathers raised (“in pride”), and holding in its beak an ear of wheat and a horseshoe. It is not listed in Fairbairn’s Crests, nor in Papworth.
Heraldic Charges: