Diatessaron, sive, Integra historia Domin. Nostri Jesu Christi græce

TitleDiatessaron, sive, Integra historia Domin. Nostri Jesu Christi græce
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication1799
LibraryFounders Library University of Wales Lampeter
BindingHalf bound in calf with stamp 2 in gold at the head of the spine
SignatureSignature on the front flyleaf: “Cox”
Call NumberPhillips 04147
Unidentified Stamp
Crest A demi lion gorged with a collar sable [or checky?] holding an escutcheon charged with a cross crosslet fitchy
Possibilities for Identification: 
None of the crests illustrated in Fairbairn’s Crests match this stamp.
Heraldic Charges: