Denton, William (1815 -1888)
William Denton was the eldest son of James Denton, of Newport, Isle of Wight. He was educated at Worcester College, Oxford, where he matriculated 28 May 1841, graduated B.A. in 1844, and took his M.A. 1848. He was ordained deacon in 1844 as curate of St Andrew's, Bradfield, in Berkshire, and priest as curate of Barking in the following year, and was Curate of Shoreditch 1847 1850, and Vicar of St Bartholomew, Cripplegate 1850 1888. He wrote on many topics, the Eastern Question, commentaries on the Gospels, social questions. His library was sold at auction by Sotheby, Wilkinson & Hodge 15 February 1889.