Dishington, Thomas, Sir -1644)
Sir Thomas Dishington of Ardross was the eldest son of Thomas Dishington and Barbara Sandilands. He was a minor at his father's death, which took place before 1591, and was served heir to his father in 1598. In the same year he married Elizabeth or Elspeth, daughter of Sir William Scott, with a tocher (dowry) of 6000 merks. Probably Sir Thomas became impoverished when he followed King James to London, where he seems to have been knighted. He and his wife sold their lands to his father in law, and in 1612 were proprietors of the lordship of Pittenweem, which was mortgaged and passed from them to Lord Fenton. From Baillie's letters we learn that Sir Thomas was in Paris in 1644. He died probably later the same year.