Sources by Binders

Please note: Only sources with information about their binders are listed. To view all sources, please click here.

Birdsall, Northampton

Birkenruth, Johanna (London)

Black, James (London)

Blackwell, Henry

Bohn, John (London)


Bosworth, T. (London)

Bound in calf with stamp 5 (41 x 29 mm) in gold on both covers

Bound in vellum with stamp 2 on a black leather onlay on the spine


Bozerian, P., jeune

Brindley, John (London)

Broadbere (Southampton)

Broca, Lucien (London)

Broster (Chester)

Brotherton, John (London)

Browne, Ambrose (Leeds)

Browne, John (London)


Bumpus Ltd

Bumpus, Edward (London)
