Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Bullinger, H. .
1543 .
In Divinum Iesu Christi Domini nostri Evangelium secundum Ioannem commentariorum libri X .
Bullinger, H. .
1567 .
Isaias excellentissimus Dei propheta, cuius testimoniis Christus ipse Dominus et eius apostoli creberrimè usi leguntur, expositus homilijs cxc expositus .
Bünting, H. .
1608 .
Chronologia catholica, omnium hactenus ab initio mundi, ad nostra usque tempora editarum demonstrata .
Burgess, T. .
1822 .
Adnotationes Millii auctae et correctae ex prolegomenis suis, Wetstenii, Bengelii, et Sabaterii, ad I. Joann. V. 7 .
Burgess, T. .
1822 .
Adnotationes Millii auctae et correctae ex prolegomenis suis, Wetstenii, Bengelii, et Sabaterii, ad I. Joann. V. 7 .
Burgoyne, J. .
1780 .
State of the expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons .
Burgoyne, J. .
1780 .
State of the expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons .
Burke, J. .
1833 .
Genealogical and heraldic history of the commoners of Great Britain and Ireland .
Burkitt, W. .
1700 .
Expository notes, with practical observations on the four Holy Evangelists .