Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Bullinger, H. . 1576 . Daniel expositus homilis LXV . Zurich
Bullinger, H. . 1573 . Hundred sermons upon the Apocalipse of Iesu Christ . London
Bullokar, J. . 1676 . English expositeur . Cambridge
Bunbury, H.W. . 1787 . Academy for grown horsemen . London
Bundy, R. . 1740 . Sermons on several occasions . London
Bünting, H. . 1598 . Itinerarium et chronicon totius Sacræ Scripturæ . Magdeburg
Buommattei, B. . 1760 . Della lingua toscana . Florence
Buonamici, Castruccio, conte . 1701 . Commentariorum de bello Italico liber I. . Leiden
Buonamico, M. . 1610 . Della servitu volontaria . Venice
Buonanni, F. . 1716 . Histoire du clergé seculier et regulier . Amsterdam
Buoni, T. . 1605 . Discorsi academici de mondi . Venice
Burchelati, B. . 1597 . Ragionamento sopra una fronda di bianca pioppa . Treviso
Burchell, W.J. . 1822 . Travels in the interior of Southern Africa . London
Burchiello, . 1597 . Rime di Burchiello fiorentino comentate dal Doni. . Vicenza
Burder, S. . 1807 . Oriental customs . London
Burder, S. . 1807 . Oriental customs . London
Bure, G.F. de . 1763 . Bibliographie instructive . Paris
Bure, G.F. de . 1763 . Bibliographie instructive . Paris
Bürger, G.A. . 1815 . Gedichte . Vienna
Bürger, G.A. . 1796 . Leonora . London
Burgess, J. . 1754 . Lives of the most eminent modern painters . London
Burghley, W.C. . 1759 . Collection of state papers left by Lord Burghley . London
Burke, T. . 1762 . Hibernia Dominicana . Kilkenny
Burke, E. . 1790 . Reflections on the Revolution in France . London
Burke, Bernard, Sir . 1861 . Vicissitudes of families . London
Burke, E. . 1792 . Works . London
Burke, E. . 1792 . Works . London
Burke, E. . 1792 . Works . London
Burke, E. . 1808 . Works . London
Burkhead, H. . 1645 . Tragedy of Cola’s furie . Kilkenny
Burman, P. . 1731 . Poetæ Latini minores . Leiden
Burman, P. . 1727 . Sylloges epistolarum . Leiden
