Sources by Authors
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Capilla, A. de .
1586 .
Commentaria in Ieremiam prophetam quibus Latina vulgate edition dilucidatur .
Capito, W. .
1550 .
True beliefe in Christ and his sacraments, set forth in a dialoge between a Christian father and his sonne .
Capocci, P.Niccolo .
1782 .
Del cantico di Mosé audite caeli quae loquor &c. nel Deuteronomio al capo 32 parafrasi lirica .
Capriata, P.Giovanni .
1663 .
The history of the wars of Italy [tr. Henry, Earl of Monmouth] .
Carbone, L. .
1609 .
Compendium absolutissimum totius Summae theologiae D. Thomae Aquinatis .
Cardano, G. .
1570 .
Opus novum de proportionibus numerorum, motuum, ponderum, sonorum, aliarumque rerum mesurandarum .