Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Fourquevaux, baron de (R.) .
1549 .
Instructions sur le faict de la guerre, extraictes des livres de Polybe, Frontin, Vegece, Cornazan, Machiavelle, & plusieurs autres bons autheurs .
Fowler, E. .
1676 .
A vindication of the friendly conference, between a minister and a parishioner of his inclining unto Quakerism, &c. .
Fowler, E. .
1676 .
A vindication of the friendly conference, between a minister and a parishioner of his inclining unto Quakerism, &c. .
Fowler, W. .
1594 .
True reportarie of the most triumphant, and royal accomplishment of the baptisme of the most excellent, right high, and mightie Prince, Frederik Henry .
Fox, E. .
1530 .
Gravissimæ atque exactissimæ illustrissimarum totius Italiæ, et Galliæ academiarum censuræ .
Foxe, J. .
1610 .
Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the church [Book of martyrs]. .
Foxe, J. .
1596 .
Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happening in the Church, with an universall history of the same .
Foxe, J. .
1641 .
Actes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes, touching matters of the Church .
Foxe, J. .
1563 .
Actes and monuments of these latter and perillous dayes: touching matters of the Church .
Foxe, J. .
1641 .
Acts and monuments of matters most special and memorable, happening in the church: with a universal historie of the same .
Foxe, J. .
1684 .
Acts and monuments of matters most special and memorable, happening in the church: with an universal history of the same .
Foxe, J. .
1641 .
Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable happening in the church: with an universal historie of the same .
Foxe, J. .
1576 .
First [-second] volume of the ecclesiasticall history, contayning the Actes & monumentes of thinges passed .
Foy-Vaillant, J. .
1682 .
Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum præstantiora, a Iulio Cæsare ad postumum et tyrannos .
Fragoso, J. .
1601 .
Aromatum, fructuum, et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum ex India utraque .
Francanzano, da M. .
1507 .
Cum privilegio Paesi novamente retrovati et novo mondo da Alberico Vesputio Florentino intitulato .
Francanzano, da M. .
1507 .
Paesi novamente retrovati, et Novo mondo da Alberico Vesputio Florentino intitulato .
Francanzano, da M. .
1507 .
Paesi novamente retrovati, et Novo mondo da Alberico Vesputio Florentino intitulato .