Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Jerome, S. .
1579 .
Opera divi Hieronymi Stridoniensis, ecclesiae doctoris-per Marianum Victoriem Reatinum ex manuscriptis codicibus multo labore emendata .
Jewel, J. .
1571 .
An answer to a certain book lately set forth by M. Harding, & entitled A confutation of the apologie of the Church of England .
Jewel, J. .
1631 .
The workes of the very learned and reuerend father in God iohn Ievvell, not long since Bishop of Sarisbyrie .
Joannes, A. .
1541 .
Compendium ex Actuarii Zachariæ libris de differentiis urinarum iudicijs & prævidentijs .
Jocelin, deBrakelond .
1625 .
Life of the glorious Bishop S. Patricke Apostle and Primate of Ireland .
St Omer
Jofre, J. .
1514 .
Ordinariu[m] de ministra[ti]o[n]e sacramentorum secundum consuetudine[m] alme metropolitane sedis Valen[tiae] .
Johannes, M. .
1554 .
Historia Ioannis Magni Gothi ... de omnibus Gothorum Sveonumque regibus .
Johannes, M. .
1554 .
Historia Ioannis Magni Gothi ... de omnibus Gothorum Sveonumque regibus .
John, S. .
1627 .
History of Great Britaine under the conquests of Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans .
John, R. .
1598 .
The svmme of the conference betweene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart: tovching the head and the faith of the church .
John Chrysostom, S. .
1590 .
Homiliae ad populum Antiochenum cum presbyter effet Antiochiae, habitae duae & viginti [ed. J. Harman] .