Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Monipennie, J. .
1597 .
Certaine matters composed together: the genealogie of all the Kings of Scotland .
Montagu, E. .
1777 .
Essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets .
Montagu, E. .
1777 .
Essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets with some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire .
Montagu, E. .
1777 .
Essay on the writings and genius of Shakespear compared with the Greek and French dramatic poets with some remarks upon the misrepresentations of Mons. de Voltaire. .
Montagu, M.W. .
1767 .
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M----y W----y M-----e, written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa .
Montagu, M.W. .
1763 .
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M—y W---y M----e, written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa .
Montagu, R. .
1640 .
Θεανθροπικουν, seu De vita Jesu Christi Domini nostri originum ecclesiasticarum libri duo. .
Montalembert, A. de .
1528 .
Merveilleuse histoire de l'esperit qui depuis nagueres cest apparu au monastere des religieuses de Sainct Pierre de Lyon .
Montalembert, A. de .
1528 .
Merveilleuse hystoire de l'esperit qui depuis nagueres cest apparu au monastere des religieuses de Sainct Pierre de Lyo[n] .
Montecrucis, R. de .
1511 .
Prædicatorum contra sectam Mahumeticam non indignus scitu libellus .
Monteith, R. .
1834 .
Collection of epitaphs and monumental inscriptions, chiefly in Scotland .