Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Martorell, J. . 1538 . Tirante il Bianco valorissimo cavalier . Venice
Martyn, T. . 1766 . English connoisseur . London
Martyn, W. . 1638 . Historie and lives of the kings of England . London
Martyn, W. . 1638 . Historie and lives of the kings of England . London
Martyn, W. . 1615 . Historie, and liues, of the kings of England . London
Martyn, B. . 1836 . Life of the first Earl of Shaftesbury . London
Mary, Qof Scots . 1588 . Mort de la royne d’Escosse, douairiere de France . S.l.
Mascart, É.É.N.; J. . 1882 . Leçons sur l'électricité et le magnétisme . Paris
Mason, G.H. . 1800 . Costume of China . London
Mason, W. . 1783 . English garden . York
Mason, W. . 1764 . Poems . London
Mason, W. . 1805 . Poetical works . London
Mason, J. . 1610 . Turke . London
Mason, F. . 1625 . Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ . London
Mason, F. . 1625 . Vindiciæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ . London
Massaria, A. . 1634 . Opera medica . Lyon
Massaria, A. . 1634 . Opera medica . Lyon
Massilon, J.B. . 1810 . Oeuvres . Paris
Massimi, P. . 1506 . Opera . Venice
Massinger, P. . 1655 . Bashful lover . London
Massinger, P. . 1638 . Bond-man . London
Massinger, P. . 1638 . Bond-man . London
Massinger, P. . 1761 . Dramatic works . London
Massinger, P. . 1623 . Duke of Millaine . London
Massinger, P. . 1656 . Excellent comedy, called The old law . London
Massinger, P. . 1636 . Great Duke of Florence . London
Massinger, P. . 1633 . New way to pay old debts . London
Massinger, P. . 1630 . Picture: a tragæcomædie . London
Massinger, P. . 1813 . Plays . London
Massinger, P. . 1813 . Plays . London
Massinger, P. . 1813 . Plays . London
Massolo, P. . 1557 . Sonetti morali . Bologna
Masson, C.F.P. . 1800 . Mémoires secrets sur la Russie . Amsterdam
