Sources by Authors
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Tanner, T. .
1744 .
Notitia monastica, or, An account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers, heretofore in England and Wales .
Tanner, T. .
1744 .
Notitia monastica, or, An account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers, heretofore in England and Wales .
Tanner, A. .
1626 .
Uniuersa theologia scholastica, speculatiua, practica, ad methodum S. Thomæ .
Tartaret, P. .
1607 .
Lucidissima commentaria, sive, ut vocat, Reportata, in quattuor libros Senteniarum et Quodlibeta J. Duns Scoti .
Tasso, T. .
1789 .
Aminta Favola Boschereccia di Torquato Tasso ora per la prima volta alla sua vera lezione ridotta .