Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Blundeville, T. .
1570 .
Fower chiefest offices belonging to horsemanshippe, that is to say, the office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keeper, and of the ferrer .
Boccaccio, G. .
1554 .
Tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune .
Boccaccio, G. .
1554 .
Tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune .
Boccaccio, G. .
1554 .
Tragedies, gathered by Ihon Bochas, of all such princes as fell from theyr estates throughe the mutability of fortune .
Boccaccio, G. .
1554 .
Treatise excellent and compedious shewing and declaring in maner of tragedye the falles of sondry most notable princes .
Boccalini, T. .
1674 .
Ragguagli di Parnasso, or, Advertisements from Parnassus [tr. Henry Carey, Earl of Monmouth] .
Boccone, P. .
1674 .
Icones & descriptiones rariorum plantarum Siciliæ, Melitæ, Galliæ & Italiæ .
Bochius, J. .
1602 .
Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis Belgii Principum Alberti et Isabellæ, Austriæ Archiducum .
Boddington, M. .
1834 .
Slight reminiscences of the Rhine, Switzerland, and a corner of Italy .