Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
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Borlase, E. .
1743 .
History of the Irish Rebellion, traced from many preceding acts, to the grand eruption the 23d of October, 1641 .
Borlase, E. .
1743 .
History of the Irish Rebellion, traced from many preceding acts, to the grand eruption the 23d of October, 1641 .
Borlase, W. .
1756 .
Observations on the ancient and present state of the islands of Scilly .
Borlase, W. .
1754 .
Observations on the antiquities historical and monumental, of the county of Cornwall .
Borrello, C. .
1611 .
De regis catholici praestantia, eius regalibus iuribus et praerogatiuis commentarii .
Borrello, C. .
1611 .
De regis catholici praestantia, eius regalibus iuribus et praerogatiuis commentarii .
Bosse, A. .
1649 .
Sentimens sur la distinction des diverses manieres de peinture, dessin & graveure .
Bosse, A. .
1649 .
Sentimens sur la distinction des diverses manieres de peinture, dessin & graveure .
Bossuet, J.B. .
1698 .
Divers ecrits ou Memoires sur le livre intitulé: Explication des maximes des saints, &c. .
Bossuet, J.B. .
1704 .
Explication de la prophetie d’Isaie, sur l’enfantement de la Sainte Vierge .