Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Beddoes, T.L. . 1822 . Brides’ tragedy . London
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1592 . Axiomata philosophica . London
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1722 . Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum . Cambridge
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1643 . Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V . Cambridge
Bede, T.V. . 1644 . Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V . Cambridge
Bede, T.V. . 1643 . Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V. . Cambridge
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1644 . Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V. . Cambridge
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1644 . Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum libri V. . Cambridge
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1722 . Historiae ecclesiasticae gentis Anglorum, libri quinque . Cambridge
Bede, T.V. . 1644 . Historiae ecclesiaticae gentis anglorum libri V. . Cambridge
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1622 . Historie of the Church of England . St Omer
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1622 . Historie of the Church of England . St Omer
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1626 . Historie of the Church of England . St Omer
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1644 . Historiæ ecclesiasticæ gentis Anglorum libri V. . Cambridge
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1565 . History of the Church of Englande . Antwerp
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1563 . Opera . Basel
Bede, the Venerable, Saint . 1612 . Opera . Cologne
Bedford, John Russell, Earl of . 1822 . Outline engravings and descriptions of the Woburn Abbey marbles . London
Beethoven, L. van . 1813 . Mount of Olives. . London
Beeverell, J. . 1707 . Delices de la Grand Bretagne et d’Irlande . Leiden
Beger, L. . 1699 . Bellum et excidium Trojanum . Berlin
Bégin, E.Auguste Ni . 1852 . Voyage pittoresque en Espagne et en Portugal . Paris
Behn, A. . 1751 . All the histories and novels . London
Behn, A. . 1688 . Oroonoko, or, The royal slave . London
Behn, A. . 1677 . The rover, or, The Banisht cavaliers . London
Bell, W. . 1861 . Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland . Edinburgh
Bell, W. . 1861 . Dictionary and digest of the law of Scotland . Edinburgh
Bell, B. . 1802 . Essays on agriculture . Edinburgh
Bell, T. . 1608 . Iesuites antepast . London
Bell, G.J. . 1839 . Principles of the law of Scotland . Edinburgh
Bellamy, D. . 1768 . Ethic amusements . London
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint . 1675 . De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis liber unus . Lyon
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1608 . Disputationes de controversiis christianae fidei . Paris
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1601 . Disputationum tom. I. . Ingolstadt
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1601 . Disputationum tom. II. . Ingolstadt
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1601 . Disputationum tom. III. . Ingolstadt
Bellarmino, Roberto Francesco Romolo, Saint . 1603 . Disputationum … de controversiis Christianae fidei . Venice
Bellarmino, R.Francesco . 1603 . Disputationum … de controversiis Christianae fidei . Venice
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1615 . Institutiones linguae Hebraicae . Lyon
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1615 . Institutiones linguae Hebraicae . Lyon
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1606 . Responsio . Mainz
Bellarmino, R.F.R. . 1606 . Responsio . Mainz
