Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Hanshall, J.H. . 1817 . History of the County Palatine of Chester . Chester
Hanshall, J.H. . 1817 . History of the County Palatine of Chester . Chester
Hanshall, J.H. . 1817 . History of the County Palatine of Chester . Chester
Hanshall, J.H. . 1817 . History of the County Palatine of Chester . Chester
Hanson, G.Adolphus . 1876 . Old Kent the eastern shore of Maryland . Baltimore
Hanway, J. . 1763 . Instructions to poor boys . London
Hanway, J. . 1763 . Instructions to poor boys . London
Hanway, J. . 1763 . Instructions to poor boys . London
Hardyng, J. . 1812 . Chronicle of Iohn Hardyng . London
Hardyng, J. . 1812 . Chronicle of Iohn Hardyng . London
Hardyng, J. . 1812 . Chronicle of Iohn Hardyng . London
Hardyng, J. . 1812 . Chronicle of Iohn Hardyng . London
Harford, A.M.E. . 1909 . Annals of the Harford family . London
Harley, J. . 1732 . Britannia Romana . London
Harman, T. . 1814 . Caveat or warning for common cursetors . London
Harpocration, V. . 1614 . Dictionarium in decem rhetores . Paris
Harpocration, V. . 1614 . Dictionarium in decem rhetores . Paris
Harpsfield, N. . 1622 . Historia Anglicana ecclesiastica . Douai
Harpsfield, N. . 1622 . Historia Anglicana ecclesiastica . Douai
Harpsfield, N. . 1622 . Historia Anglicana ecclesiastica . Douai
Harpsfield, N. . 1622 . Historia Anglicana ecclesiastica . Douai
Harrington, J. . 1771 . Oceana and other works . London
Harrington, J. . 1771 . Oceana and other works . London
Harrington, J. . 1771 . Oceana and other works . London
Harrington, J. . 1737 . Oceana of James Harrington, Esq; and his other works . Dublin
Harris, M. . 1782 . Exposition of English insects . London
Harris, J. . 1704 . Lexicon technicum . London
Harris, J. . 1801 . Works . London
