Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Herburt, J. . 1620 . Statuta Regni Poloniæ . Danzig and Frankfurt
Heresbach, C. . 1614 . Whole art and trade of husbandry . London
Hermogenes, . 1614 . Ars oratoria. . Geneva
Hermogenes, . 1614 . Ars oratoria. . Geneva
Hero of Alexandria, . 1575 . Spiritalium liber . Urbino
Hero of Alexandria, . 1575 . Spiritalium liber . Urbino
Herodian, of A. . 1524 . Herodiani Historiarum lib. VIII . Venice
Herodian, of A. . 1611 . Histor. lib. VII . Lyon
Herodian, . 1552 . Historiae de imperio post Marcum . Lyon
Herodian, . 1552 . Historiae de imperio post Marcum . Lyon
Herodian, of A. . 1629 . History of twenty Roman Cæsars and Emperors . London
Herodian, of A. . 1629 . History of twenty Roman Cæsars and Emperors . London
Herodotus, . 1533 . Delle guerre de Greci et de Persi . Venice
Herodotus, . 1565 . Delle guerre de Greci et de Persi . Venice
Herodotus, . 1565 . Delle guerre de greci et de persi . Venice
Herodotus, . 1541 . Heroditi libri novem . Basel
Herodotus, . 1592 . Historiarum lib. IX . Geneva
Herodotus, . 1592 . Historiarum lib. IX . Geneva
Herodotus, . 1679 . Historiarum libri IX . London
Herodotus, . 1709 . History of Herodotus . London
Herrera y Tordesillas, A. de . 1589 . Historia de lo sucedido en Escocia, è Inglaterra . Madrid
Hertfelder, B. . 1627 . Basilica SS. Udalrici et Afræ Augustæ Vindelicorum . Augsburg
Hervey, B. . 1778 . Letters between Lord Hervey and Dr. Middleton . London
Hervey, B. . 1779 . Letters between Lord Hervey and Dr. Middleton . London
Hervey, M.Lepell . 1821 . Letters of Mary Lepel, Lady Hervay . London
Hervey, J. . 1753 . Meditations and contemplations . London
Hervey, J. . 1803 . Meditations and contemplations . London
Hervey, E. . 1788 . Melissa and Marcia, or ,The sisters . London
Hervey, B. . 1848 . Memoirs of the reign of George the Second . London
Hervey, M. . 1800 . Mourtray family . London
Hervy, W. . 0 . Grants of arms .
Hervæus Natalis, . 1505 . In quattuor Petri Lombardi Sententiarium volumina . Venice
Herzen, A. . 1853 . My exile . London
Hesiod, . 1778 . Quæ exstant . Leipzig
Hesiod, . 1778 . Quæ exstant . Leipzig
Hesiod , . 1812 . Remains of Hesiod . London
Hesychius, A. . 1521 . Lexicon . Hagenau
