Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Heude, W. . 1819 . Voyage up the Persian Gulf . London
Hevelius, J. . 1647 . Selenographia . Gdansk
Hewitt, J. . 1855 . Ancient armour and weapons in Europe . Oxford
Hexham, H. . 1660 . Copious Englisg [sic] and Netherduytch dictionarie . Rotterdam
Heyden, C. van der . 1550 . Bryefe summe of the whole Byble . London
Heydon, J. . 1664 . Theomagia, or, The temple of wisdome . London
Heylyn, P. . 1652 . Cosmographie in four books . London
Heylyn, P. . 1680 . Help to English history . London
Heyrick, T. . 1691 . Miscellany poems . Cambridge
Heywood, T. . 1631 . Fair maid of the west, or, A girle worth gold . London
Heywood, T. . 1631 . Fair-maid . London
Heywood, T. . 1607 . Fayre maid of the Exchange . London
Heywood, T. . 1634 . Late Lancashire witches . London
Heywood, T. . 1640 . Loves mistresse . London
Heywood, T. . 1634 . Mayden-head well lost . London
Heywood, J. . 1566 . Play of love . London
Heywood, T. . 1608 . Rape of Lucrece . London
Heywood, T. . 1638 . Rape of Lucrece . London
Heywood, T. . 1613 . Silver age . London
Heywood, T. . 1635 . The hierarchie of the blessed angels . London
Heywood, T. . 1635 . The hierarchie of the blessed angels . London
Heywood, T. . 1637 . The royall king, and the loyall subject . London
Heywood, J. . 1556 . The spider and the flie . London
Heywood, T. . 1624 . Tunaikeion, or, Nine bookes of various history . London
Heywood, T. . 1624 . Tunaikeion, or, Nine bookes of various history . London
