Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Langley, T. .
1797 .
History and antiquities of the Hundred of Desborough, and deanery of Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire .
Langley, T. .
1797 .
History and antiquities of the Hundred of Desborough, and deanery of Wycombe, in Buckinghamshire .
Langwith, B. .
1747 .
Observations on Doctor Arbuthnot’s dissertations on coins, weights, and measures .
Lansdowne, G.Granville .
1727 .
Collection of poems upon several occasions written by the Right Honourable George Granville, Lord Lansdown, Mr. John Pomfret, Thomas Tickell Esq. and others .
Lascaris, C. .
1495 .
In hoc libro haec continentur Constantini Lascaris Erotemata cu[m] interpretatione Latina .
Lascaris, C. .
1494 .
In hoc libro hæc continentur. C. Lascaris Erotemata cū interpretatione Latina .
Lasnteri, G. .
1571 .
De subtilitate ac stratagemate utenda, in rebus bellicis ad destruendos hostes, necnon castra, eorumq; oppida fortissimo .
Latimer, H. .
1575 .
Frutefull sermons preached by the tight [sic] reuerend father, and constant martyr of Iesus Christ M. Hugh Latymer .
Latin, B.N.T.Gospel .
0 .
Gospels of Matilda, countess of Tuscany [manuscript] .
San Benedetto, Italy
Laud, W. .
1695 .
History of the troubles and tryal of the most reverend father in God and blessed martyr, William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury .
Laud, W. .
1695 .
History of the troubles and tryal of the most reverend father in God, and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury .
Laud, W. .
1695 .
History of the troubles and tryal of the most reverend father in God, and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .
Laud, W. .
1639 .
Relation of the conference between William Laud and Mr Fisher the Jesuite .