Sources by Authors
Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Leopold, D. of A. .
1489 .
Compilatio Leupoldi ducatus Austrie filij de astrorum scientia .
Leslie, J. .
1587 .
Declaration del titolo y derecho que Doña Maria reyna de Escoçia tiene a la succession del Ingalaterra .
Leslie, J. .
1587 .
Declaration del titolo y derecho que Doña Maria reyna de Escoçia tiene a la succession del Ingalaterra .
Leslie, W.Aloysius .
1692 .
Laurus Leslaeana explicata, sive Clarior enumeratio personarum cognominis Leslie .
Leslie, J. .
0 .
Treatise touchinge the right, title, and interest of the moste excellente princesse Marie, Queene of Scotland .
Lessius, L. .
1634 .
Hygiasticon, or, The right course of preserving life and health unto extream old age .
Leti, G. .
1670 .
Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa, or The history of the cardinals of the Roman Church [tr. G. Havers] .
Leti, G. .
1670 .
Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa, or, The history of the cardinals of the Roman Church. [tr. G. Havers] .
Leti, G. .
1670 .
Cardinalismo di Santa Chiesa, or, The history of the cardinals of the Roman Church. [tr. G. Havers] .
Leti, G. .
1670 .
Putanisme de Rome, ou La conclave general des putains de cette cour pour l'election d'un nouveau pontife .
Leunclavius, J. .
1591 .
Historiæ Musulmanæ Turcorum de monumentis ipsorum exscriptæ, libri XVIII .
Lewis, J. .
1736 .
History and antiquities as well ecclesiastical as civil, of the Isle of Tenet, in Kent .
Leybourn, W. .
1672 .
Panorganon, or, A universal instrument, performing all such conclusions geometrical and astronomical .