Sources by Authors

Please note: Only sources with information about their authors are listed. To view all sources, please click here.
Lauderdale, J.M. . 1794 . Letters to the peers of Scotland . London
Laugier de Tassy, M. . 1750 . Compleat history of the piratical states of Barbary . London
Laurent, D. . 1486 . Ryal book, or, A book for a kyng . Westminster
Lauretus, H. . 1583 . Sylva allegoriarum totius Sacræ Scripturæ . Paris
Lauro, G. . 1612 . Antiquæ urbis splendor . Rome
Lauro, G. . 1612 . Antiquæ urbis splendor . Rome
Lauro, G. . 1637 . Antiquæ urbis splendor . Rome
Laval, A. de . 1612 . Desseins de professions nobles et publiques . Paris
Lavallée, J. . 1798 . Dangers de l’intrigue . Paris
Lavardin, J. de . 1596 . Historie of George Scanderbeg, King of Albanie . London
Lavater, L. . 1572 . In librum Proverbiorum . Zurich
Lavater, L. . 1572 . Of ghostes and spirites walking by nyght . London
Lavater, L. . 1572 . Of ghostes and spirites walking by nyght. . London
Law, J. . 1720 . Considerations sur le commerce et sur l'argent . The Hague
Law, W. . 1762 . Works . London
Law, W. . 1762 . Works . London
